Technical Training

Our core expertise is application development using Fiserv’s Wealthview Banking Developer’s Kit (WBDK). Our week-long WBDK Application developer courses (Level 1 and 2) include a mixture of instruction, hands-on exercises and Q&A sessions to ensure your developers retain all of the information. Our developer mentoring service includes real-time feedback as your team develops actual solutions for deployment.

Finally, our WBDK Application Developer certification program caps off these activities with a certification exam to confirm your coders are world-class developers. Contact us at for more information on schedules and custom training services.

Affinity partnered with Centerprise to receive Wealthview Banking Developers Kit (WBDK) training in order to gain an understanding of banking system development. The training taught us advanced concepts including leading edge tools and techniques. The value we received from this training was well worth the investment.

Jer Franklin, Information Systems Manager, Affinity Credit Union