Exciting News …
Our new training website is live! It’s a beta version and will continue to be updated in the coming weeks, but feel free to have a look 🚀
Our new training website is live! It’s a beta version and will continue to be updated in the coming weeks, but feel free to have a look 🚀
Mike BCIT Computer Systems graduation May 1986
It’s been a long time since completing my first post-secondary milestone through BCIT’s 2-year Computer Systems program. I had moved from Vancouver Island to the Big City and quickly embraced the total immersion of BCIT life. I made life-long friends and developed an appreciation for a pragmatic, innovative approach to solving business problems.
Not surprisingly, I haven’t used my IBM Assembler much in recent years (or ever). However, in managing products leveraging RESTful JSON APIs, .NET CORE code, and SQL Server 2019, I draw daily on those creative, pragmatic ideas to ensure our solutions meet the need fully and efficiently.
Today, new BCIT grads are digital natives with no practical need to delve into assembly language. Most have lived and breathed technology in a way that was once reserved for the absolute nerdiest. Regardless, there is more need than ever for outside-the-box thinking. That’s why Centerprise chose four years ago to partner with the BCIT Foundation as we sought to give back; a portion of every invoice is given to the Centerprise Information Solutions Award through the BCIT Foundation. We are excited to assist the next generation of innovative entrepreneurs leverage the overwhelming opportunities of modern tech.
BCIT Foundation helps to ensure today’s students develop the skills and experience they need to be tomorrow’s innovators, creators, and leaders.
Time for coffee! Victoria, BC
Here’s to more decades of Achieving excellence and Embracing innovation!
Mike O’Shaughnessy, April 2022
We’re thrilled to have moved into our new home in Downtown Victoria …
Check us out @ 300-848 Courtney Street!
Registration is still open for the 2018 online offering of our popular WBDK Application Developer Level 1 course. The course will run from Monday, September 10 through Friday, September 21, 2018. Registration closes Friday, August 31.
The course offers the opportunity to review online content throughout the two-week period, and provides 15 hours of real-time collaborative learning. Online module quizzes and instructor feedback provide confirmation that each topic is mastered before moving on to the next. The course includes 30 hours of instruction over the 2-week period.
If your developers are looking to round out their understanding of the WBDK language and architecture, this is a perfect time to join in. This Level 1 offering is also the first step toward WBDK Application Developer Certification – contact us now for more information on package pricing.
Contact us now for more information!
We are now accepting applicants for the 2018 online offering of our popular WBDK Application Developer Level 1 course. This course will be offered in Winter/Spring 2018 – specific dates will be determined once we meet minimum enrollment.
The course offers the opportunity to review online content throughout the two-week period, and provides 15 hours of real-time collaborative learning. Online module quizzes and instructor feedback provide confirmation that each topic is mastered before moving on to the next. The course includes 30 hours of instruction over the 2-week period.
If your developers are looking to round out their understanding of the WBDK language and architecture, this is a perfect time to join in. This Level 1 offering is also the first step toward WBDK Application Developer Certification – contact us now for more information on package pricing.
Centerprise Information Solutions, Inc.
300-848 Courtney Street
Victoria, B.C. Canada
V8W 1C4