We love helping our Credit Union clients grow their technical and business knowledge. Pictured below are seven recent recipients of our Wealthview Banking Developers Kit application developer certification, all from the excellent team at Affinity Credit Union in Saskatoon. This group committed to two full weeks of classroom training and additional mentoring exercises, all culminating in the four-hour WBDK Developer Certification exam. Kudos to this dedicated team!
Affinity partnered with Centerprise Information Solutions to receive Wealthview Banking Developers Kit (WBDK) training. Our goal was to gain an understanding of banking system development and to be in a better position to maintain and improve our own system. The level one training involved a week of in class instruction and labs which gave us good understanding of the fundamentals of DK development. In order to prepare for the advanced level two training we completed a series of programming assignments where we implemented a new feature in our banking system. The assignments covered real world scenarios which gave our developers practical experience with DK development. The week of level two training taught us advanced concepts including leading edge tools and techniques. To validate our learning we completed a comprehensive exam that challenged our developers on the entire body of knowledge that was delivered over the two courses. Throughout the training Mike brought a deep body of knowledge to the classroom and was a good mentor for the group as we worked through our assignments. He was approachable throughout and we appreciate his commitment to building the skill set of our development team. The value we received from this training was well worth the investment. – Jer Franklin, Information Systems and Reporting Manager, Affinity Credit Union
David Stobbe / stobbephoto.ca
Is your organization interested in training and/or certifying your WBDK Application developers? Contact us any time for pricing and availability.